We are still writing on the setting and the characters. This means that we will further supplement the information about the setting and characters in the coming months. If you already have specific questions about the setting and characters and you can’t find the answers on this website yet, please contact us at
The Families of the island Noiris
On the island Noiris live 54 families at the moment, all with their own Head of the family. Aside from this, every family has their own Heir Apparent, the favorite son or daughter, who holds the second highest authority within the walls of the home. Families are usually very close knit groups that are held accountable as a unit.
We will post some inspiration pictures in the coming months. But do think of simple costumes made from natural materials. Medieval working class inspired.
The Priestesses of the island Noiris
The priestesses are the most important people on the island. The priestesses are the confidantes on the island, the guides and the example of how you should behave. They know better than anyone how to best please the goddess Noirith. They will inspire others to make the right offerings. Or they will offer themselves paying for the islanders' missteps. They maintain the balance between Noirith and the islanders.
A priestess is the only one who can hear what Noirith says. This means that all the priestesses have an important role in communicating Noirith's wishes. For the inhabitants of Noiris it is very important to talk with the priestesses. The inhabitants trust the priestesses and they entrust a lot of their sorrows and doubts to them, because they know Noirith knows everything about them already.
Off-game, players playing a priestess also get the freedom to decide what they do or don't hear from Noirith. What you hear in-game obviously does not have to be the same as what you say in-game. You have the space to play with this.
We will post some inspiration pictures in the coming months. But do think of simple costumes made from natural materials. Medieval working class inspired.
Varr Annor (invited foreign groups)
These are player characters who have already played at other events. They will play the two foreign groups invited to the Trials of Torment.
The first group is played by the organizers of this larp. They are the friends of the foreign healer Yllayra, who is currently staying on Noiris to help. They come with three Omani elves and their friend Rauron. The reason they come to the Festival of First Seeds is because they have heard that through this festival they may be offered the opportunity to find some tribe members who have been lost. They have no idea what to do to make this wish come true, but they don't want to miss this opportunity.
The second group is played by a group of players led by Juna. At the island Wokai they heard about the possibility to win a wish at Noiris. Surprisingly enough, they were allowed to go instead of the invited Wokai islanders. They hope to win the wish, to save Juna from her illness. They are going to pose as the invited group from Wokai Island. They will do anything not to be exposed. The crew know the Omani group very well, but they will not show this during the festival.